Attention Independent Contractors, Sole Proprietors, Freelancers, Gig Workers, Realtors, Insurance Agents, Barbers, Beauty Stylists, etc…
Did COVID-19 impact your income or ability to work in 2021? If so, you are likely eligible for up to $32,200.00 in tax credit refunds with the Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC)—and we’ll help you get it FAST. 💸
✅ Who Qualifies?
Single Member LLCs
Independent Contractors
Sole Proprietors
Freelancers, Gig Workers, Realtors, and more!
✅ Qualifying Events Include:
Diagnosed with COVID-19?
Cared for a loved one?
Forced quarantine or unable to telework?
Government shutdowns or childcare closures?
👉 If you earned 1099/Schedule C income in 2021, you likely qualify! Even if you’re unsure, it’s FREE to check your eligibility.
💥 Why Wait Months? - Get Paid in as little as 14 business days!
⚡ Our streamlined process ensures you receive your credits faster than ever—so you can reclaim what’s rightfully yours without the hassle.
🕒 Claim up to $32,200.00 before the deadline of April 15th, 2025!
👉 Click Below to Check Your Eligibility for FREE!
⏳ It only takes 7 minutes to get an estimate and submit your claim.
🚀 Your Risk-Free Path to Financial Freedom
Are you ready for a ground-breaking, risk-free opportunity that has the potential to transform your business's financial future? If so, you're in the right place.
🌟 The Power of Call Center Funding Awaits
LIMITLESS FUNDING: Imagine the extraordinary ability to fund your existing business, launch a new venture, or supercharge your investment strategy – all powered by your own done-for-you virtual call center.
NO UP-FRONT-COST: The best part? You can achieve all of this with zero out-of-pocket expenses with our no-credit-check, easy income qualifier to onboard our platform. Yes, you read that correctly—zero out-of-pocket costs and no credit checks!
RESULTS IN AS LITTLE AS 7 BUSINESS DAYS: But here's the kicker: Within our exclusive global network of campaign partners, you can have your first income-producing campaign up and running in as little as 7 business days. That's right, 7 days! This campaign can generate an average of $5,000 to $20,000 or more in passive monthly funding for your business. And that's just from activating one of many available campaigns you
Credit Score: 670+ on Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax (Or, if your score is only below 670 due to high card balances, you’re still eligible!)
Business Open for at Least 2 Days (Yes, Startups are Welcome!)
No recent collections, bankruptcies, vehicle repossessions, evictions, foreclosures, or late payments
No bank statements
No income qualifying
No fees are taken from your approval amounts!
No hard credit pulls
No tax returns
Click the “SHOW ME MORE” button below for full details
You can only have one (1) existing brick-and-mortar location
No cost to the business - just profit
If you own a B2C business (Business to Consumer) with a brick-and-mortar location and want to expand to multiple locations, with no credit checks, no income qualifications, and 100% ZERO-RISK! Proceed to Step 2.).
Click the "SHOW ME MORE" button below, to begin the process. After submission of the form, you will be automatically redirected to book a phone call. Be sure to add BUSINESS EXPANSION
At our expense, our team will implement market research strategies with a proven method of tracking and predicting future results
When a suitable location is discovered, we will prepare that location for business by working on all the necessary steps to get a location business ready from A-Z at NO COST and 100% RISK FREE!
for as long as the business is operating, you will receive ongoing profit sharing for each new location we open for you.
🛑Are there any upfront or hidden fees?
No, there are no upfront or hidden fees to use the service.
🛑Is there a credit check?
No credit check is required. Personal and/or business credit rating is not a factor.
We solely focus on the profit potential of the business.
🛑Is this a loan?
No, this is not a loan, so there is no debt added to your business.
🛑Do I have to give up any ownership in my business?
No, you do not have to give up any ownership in your business.
🛑Do you require a personal guarantee?
No personal guarantee is required.
🛑Do I need a business plan?
No business plan is needed.
LIMITLESS FUNDING: Imagine the extraordinary ability to self-fund an existing business, launch a new venture, or supercharge your investment strategy – all powered by simply saying "YES" to allowing our state-of-the-art, new customer-attracting, income-producing, FREE EV charger stations to be installed on your property.
NO UP-FRONT-COST: The best part? You can achieve all this with zero out-of-pocket expenses, no income qualifying, and no credit checks for you or your business. Yes, you read that correctly – ZERO out-of-pocket & no credit checks!
FREE MARKETING: EV charger stations will attract new & repeat customers to your business. Once EV charger stations are placed on your property, your business will be placed on all of the major EV charger locator apps that the EV community in your service area relies on to find the relatively few EV charging locations in the area - This tool drives new & repeat customers that may have otherwise never knew your business existed, right to your front door! - Over and over again.
SIMPLISTIC MANAGEMENT: Easy management with integrated software.
A-Z MAINTENANCE: Complete service from assessment - Installation - Maintenance - Repairs - Zoning - Etc...
STILL NOT CONVINCED: Each EV charger station location is also equipped with a 100% FREE, top-of-the-line, commercial-grade solar system, including professional installation. This gives the added benefit of eliminating or drastically reducing your business's power bill.
EVEN MORE PROFIT SHARING: You also get 50% of all profits from the power that your solar system generates for you.